The impact of the curriculum will be assessed in a variety of ways.
Formative assessment will be planned into day-to-day lessons, with teachers assessing whether the pupils have met the objective(s) or not. This will then contribute to summative assessment which assesses whether pupils are on track or not as the year progresses, and then a final end of year assessment indicating whether each pupil has met or not the expectations for their current year group.
The phonics curriculum will be assessed termly through the use of Phonics Tracker which allows teachers to see any gaps that children may have, and this will inform future planning and any interventions that need to take place. A more summative assessment of phonics takes place in the form of the phonics screening check which will be administered in the summer term at the end of Year One. If children do not pass the phonics screening check in Year One they will have the opportunity to retake the phonics screening check in Year Two (following additional input to fill gaps in their learning).
The subject leader will also regularly assess the effectiveness of the planned curriculum and make changes as appropriate to ensure the best possible outcomes. This will be done through monitoring which could include looking at books to see if feedback, retrieval and assessment are all in place; learning walks to assess teacher knowledge and presentation of learning; conversations with pupils to see what has been learnt and if they can recognise prior learning links; conversations with staff to discuss impact and effectiveness of curriculum overall. As part of this monitoring, the leader will need to consider outcomes for all groups of pupils within the school, particularly disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs and disabilities.