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Curriculum Subjects

Our school curriculum has been designed with careful consideration of what our pupils actually need in order to go on to be successful in their lives and play an active part in society. To achieve this, subject leaders and the leadership teams have taken time to ensure that there is a coherent rationale behind the planning of when and where various elements of learning within each subject take place.

The teaching and learning is based on the National Curriculum and is organised in a logical sequence to support progression. It has a sharp focus on subject knowledge and the application of skills to support the retention of learning from one phase to the next, preparing our pupils to build on their prior learning. It is designed on the understanding that:

  1. Knowledge is important to all thinking
  2. We understand new things in relation to what we already know
  3. Retrieving knowledge helps us to remember it for longer

As part of our drive to ensure that pupils learn effectively, we promote and monitor quality teaching and the motivation and assessment of pupils very carefully.