Daily routine

During the day the children have the opportunity to take part in the following:

  • Self-registration, play and exploration.


  • Carpet time - All the children gather together and take part in singing, games, stories, counting and letter/sound activities. They can also reflect and talk about the day’s events.


  • Exploration - Your children are free to explore the nursery, both inside and out, engage with the resources provided and access adult guided activities that reflect your children’s current interests.


  • Adult guided activities - Your child will join with an adult to develop and master a skill, such as catching a ball, hopping, turn taking or independence.


  • Adult led activities - These are specifically planned activities that are linked to the text and theme of the term.


  • Snack time - There is always fresh milk, water, fruit and vegetables available. The children have the opportunity to practice their skills and independence and exercise their choice by self-selecting their snack from a variety of items on offer. (Water is available throughout the day.)


  • Lunch Time - The children sit together at lunchtime, supported by nursery staff, who will use the opportunity to support the children’s understanding of the importance of a healthy diet and lifestyle.


  • Throughout the day, children are supported by staff to be independent by developing their self-care and hygiene needs. This includes putting on their jumper or coat, changing for gym sessions, changing footwear, handwashing before eating and after using the toilet, and learning how and when to use a tissue.


  • At the end of the day/session, children are encouraged to help tidy up by sorting the toys into their boxes. This is the first step towards them understanding the need to look after their environment.